
Dr Lourdes Gaspar is a in Pain Medicine and has over 22 years’ experience working in pain management services. He was Lead Clinician in Chronic Pain at a Specialist NHS Orthopaedic Hospital in the UK for over 15 years. He now specialises in chronic pain associated with spinal cord injury, chronic pain following surgery and medico legal work involving cases of personal injury and clinical negligence.
He is a Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine in the UK. He also served on the Executive Board of the UK Division of the World Institute of Pain (WIP) from 2010- 2014 after passing the internationally recognised Fellowship in Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP).
He has been an invited speaker at Pain Medicine meetings/ conferences at both a local and national level. Furthermore, he has taught at internationally recognised cadaveric workshops as a demonstrator to aspiring Pain Specialists.
He specialises in: Optimisation of pain medication, interventional pain procedures, addressing the emotional distress caused by chronic pain.
Dr Gaspar is aware that the tablets used for managing chronic pain are frequently of limited benefit to many patients. Also, having provided injection therapies for chronic pain over many years, he realises that for most patients they are at best, only partially helpful.
He considers it important that chronic pain sufferers are empowered to develop psychological and emotional self-management coping strategies.
He is the founder of “ACT for PAIN”, a unique online self-management chronic pain program.